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Important HCSBC updates for employers

Elle Aon/

The new Collective Agreement for the industry includes amendments regarding the Sick Pay Fund, Personal Services Commission and the Agency Shop Agreement.

This agreement was recently entered into between the parties to the HCSBC (National Bargaining Council for Hairdressing, Cosmetology, Beauty and Skincare Industry), the EOHCB (Employers Organisation for Hairdressing Cosmetology and Beauty) and UASA – The Union.

As such, an amendment to the Sick Pay Fund has been included which allows an Employer to approve the first (one day’s) absence without the requirement for the Employee to provide a medical certificate in respect of a sick leave claim. (A medical certificate is still required for two or more days of sick leave).

The Amendments to the Rules of the Sick Pay Fund and the revised Claim Form, have been approved by the Sick Funds Management Committee and may be accessed on the Council’s website SPF-Rules.pdf ( Sick-Pay-Fund-Claim-Form.pdf (

In addition to the above, the Sick Funds Management Committee has approved a new Appeal Form which may be accessed on the Council’s website. APPEAL FORM.dox (

Personal Services Commission (PSC)

The PSC applicable to Areas A and D, for purposes of calculating leave pay, notice pay, and severance pay will be increased to 23% with effect from 1 January 2025 on a phased-in basis as follows:

• 2023 – 20% +1% =21%

• 2024 – 21%+1% =22%

• 2025 – 22%+1% =23%

Annexure E to the Main Collective Agreement has been amended accordingly and may be accessed on the Council’s website [Annexure-E 2023.pdf (]

Agency Shop Agreement

The Agency Shop Agreement entered into between the parties on 2 June 2023 may be accessed on the Council’s website AGENCY-SHOP-AGREEMENT.pdf (


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